Prince Of Wales In South America (1924)

Prince of Wales in South America. Intertitle read: “There are few cities under the sun that cannot raise a muster of ex-service men - and the Prince found Santiago no exception.’ M/S of the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII / Duke of Windsor) shaking hands with dignitaries. M/S of the Prince pinning medal onto lapel of jacket. “From Santiago the Prince went to Valparaiso and enjoyed a brief respite in the magnificent house which had been placed at his disposal.“ L/S of the house. Pan across beach. Tracking shots on boar train of the snow covered Andes. “The Prince left South America shores at Mar del Plata early one morning-but not too early for a small band of enthusiasts who came to see him off.“ Shots of the Prince’s battleship. “Twelve days later St. Vincent (Cape Verdi Islands) was sighted.“ L/S of the island taken from ship. Several shots of act: “After leaving St Vincent and orderly had a busy time packing the Prince’s presents.“ M/Ss of the orderly packing away what looks like several
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