“Admirable“ Robey (1914-1918)

Titles read: ’London. “Admirable“ Robey - hoists the signal received from HMS “Queen Elizabeth“ at the Naval Matinee.’ L/S of music hall comedian George Robey standing on the exterior balcony of the Alhambra Theatre and hoisting a line of three naval flags. M/S of notice reading: ’Admiral Beatty’s signal from HMS Queen Elizabeth will arrive at the Alhambra at am on Jan 14th and will be hoisted on the three masts above by ADMIRAbLe [sic] GEORGE ROBEY (at 12 prompt). He will afterwards de-code the signal on the stage at the great naval matinee on Jan 14th at ’. Nice M/S of Robey wearing suit and seen against a white background, smiling at the camera and making a bashful gesture before walking off. Another shot of the hoisting. View of crowds milling about below - looks like it is in Leicester Square. Repeat of the shot of the sign and hoisting. A small band is seen on the balcony. Another shot of the sign. Another nice M/S of Robey talking to camera and making funny faces. The M/S
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