Oil For The Twentieth Century Reels 3 & 4 (1951)

c. 1951 Reel 3. Persia - 1920s?. Whistle blows and people leave work. Social amenities for the workers - petrol station, cinema, club house, mosque, train, fire brigade. Firemen on engine. Rowing and sailing on the river. Regatta. Bookmakers. Jockeys including women. Local men. Medical officers carry man on a stretcher. Dr Young. Steam train. Tankers. Men working on refineries. Oil pipes. Petrol station. Aircraft. Passenger aircraft - Imperial Airways plane. Man puts files away on a high shelf. Traffic passing Bank of England. Bowler hatted men on top of open bus. Man with Evening Standard poster which reads: “Hitler Made Chancellor“. Photograph of D’Arcy. Oil derricks. Checkpoint. Large refineries. Aerial shots of the massive refinery of Abadan. Iran. Camels being led through an archway. Street scenes in Iran. Working on the land. Tractor. Agriculture. Men studying. School children. Women having a lesson. Reel 4. Testing for oil. Choosing the area to drill. Men w
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