French Monoplanes (1919)

French monoplanes. France. Aviation exhibition in France. Monoplanes landing in a field. Plane landing; taxiing toward camera; under wing says Sydney__ickles (1st letter of last name not visible.) Another aeroplane approaches; swoops down and back up again. French soldier watching in FG; a crowd of spectators in BG. Another plane lands. Closer shots panning on the spectators; standing behind rope; w/ tent behind them; several French Boy Scouts among those present. (The preceding section is also ON 405 S) Next; men pushing a small plane out of a hangar. CU 2 men on beach; pan down to propeller of plane. CU propeller; w/ man’s hands holding hat next to it; he scrunches up the hat into a ball; then unfolds it again. Shot of 6 men pushing the plane along the beach. They lift the plane off a removable set of wheels and lower it onto the sand; it seems to have no wheels at all now. Pan on aeroplane as it taxis across sand and takes off just as it starts to run into the water; now 2 quite small wheels inside
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