Hungarian Refugees (1957)

Unissued / Unused material. Hungarian refugees in Britain. MS camera pans across Hungarian camp at Corsham, Wiltshire. MS group of refugees talking in the camp ground. CU’s of them talking. CU pack reading ’United States of America’. Interior CU Mr and Mrs Benyo unpacking some of their clothes inside one of the huts. CU Mr Benyo placing shirts on shelf. MS Mrs Benyo signalling that she is not going to unpack any more because they want to go to the USA. CU door of Immigration Office at the camp reading ’BCAR Emigration’. CU Hungarian boy and girl talking to the officer about going to the USA. CU officer and interpreter talking to them. CU boy Imre being told he can’t go to USA because he hasn’t got a Visa. CU interpreter speaking to him. CU officer pointing out details on their forms. CU Maria crying because she cannot go to States as the Hungarian quota is full up. Interior MS of the Everwear Factory in London where Hungarians work. CU’s Mrs Simon working at sewing machine. CU 19 year old Te
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