FIAT S76 - Beast of Turin trailer

FILM UPDATE: I’m afraid I was a bit optimistic in suggesting February for a completion date. The car has still to be driven and proper paid jobs keep getting in the way. Hoping the full-length film will be done by the Spring - but there will be another small film of it being driven soon! :) The two FIAT S76 cars were built in 1910/11 to take the land speed record from Mercedes’ Blitzen Benz. In this prewar period the thinking was that ’bigger displacement is best’ and there was an amazing range of monstrous machines. There was the 25 litre V8 Darracq in 1905 (which was the first car to do two miles in a minute), Mercedes built a comically long car called the flying Dutchman which had two huge engines, one behind the other. At 28.3 litres (and only 4 cylinders) the FIAT S76 has the largest car engine ever built. (There are a few cars around with larger engines - but they’re aero engines) You may think that 300hp isn’t great for such a big engine - but it has more torque than
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