Village Bread Recipe | how to make sourdough Bread | Sourdough Bread Making at Home

hi everybody, you can make homemade village bread, sourdough bread by watching this video and when you cut it open you’ll see that this result is just really nice and even and it’s really easy to work with the person that you’re going to want to do is make sure you feed your starter 12 hours prior to mixing your do first step in this country loaf recipe is audeliz and we’re going to combine 330 G of water in 100 grams of starter in a bowl and use a spatula knife to get that will combined next you’re going to add 50 grams of whole wheat flour and 454 bread flour and no again use your spatula to get that started and then once they’re start to come together you can switch over to her hands and just all you’re trying to do is make sure there’s no tribe it’s left in the bowl and that way you know all the flowers and hydrated so put that aside and in a small bowl put the remaining 30 grams of water and 10 grams of salt in a small bowl and that’s going to help that salt to
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