The Semicollared Hawk is a rare hawk of the Andes. It can be found from Colombia south to Peru in cloud forest at intermediate elevations. There is almost no information about this species neither related to breeding nor diet, except for some random records of birds as prey items in which hummingbirds are included (like it has been reported for Accipiter superciliosus).
Apparently its distribution is composed of small and sparsely distributed populations being rare in general but locally more abundant in some areas. Although it is sparsely distributed, there is no evidence for population decline, however, forest destruction is a main threat for this and other raptors and as you may know for wildlife in general.
Esta especie del genero Accipiter, es un halcón muy raro de los Andes. Se la puede encontrar desde Colombia hasta el sur de Perú en el bosque nublado a elevaciones intermedias. No existe casi información sobre esta especie ni relacionada con la cría ni con la dieta, exce