French: Ithagine ensanglantée German: Blutfasan Spanish: Faisán ensangrentado
Phasianus cruentus Hardwicke, 1821, Nepal.
Considerable intermediacy between most of the described subspecies suggests that much of the variation observed is probably clinal, and validity of many races therefore perhaps dubious; race affinis doubtfully distinct from nominate cruentus, as is holoptilus from rocki, and annae from berezowskii. Subspecies sometimes thought to fall into two groups, the “Red-winged sinensis group”, incorporating sinensis, berezowskii (including annae), beicki and michaelis, and the “Green-winged cruentus group”, with all other races; this division, however, although geographically logical, appears unsatisfactory in terms of morphological characters of the taxa. Fourteen subspecies usually recognized.
(Source The Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive)
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