#Howwedoit - Constructing the Launching Chamber for SpinLaunch

As the world looks to phase out traditional fuels and find ever-more #Sustainable solutions for humanity, huge challenges emerge as the drive to replace antiquated technologies with revolutionary new ones becomes increasingly important. SpinLaunch is one of these ambitious, cutting-edge endeavours, which aims to revolutionise #Space launch. It may sound like a huge undertaking, probably because it is! This technology is developing and testing #MassAccelerator #Technology that will enable satellites to be launched into space orbit using #KineticEnergy, instead of traditional rockets. This project in #NewMexico saw SpinLaunch construct the world’s largest diameter #VacuumChamber, and they looked to Sarens to provide the #HeavyLifting support to the project. Sarens equipment enabled operations to lift, tilt, transport, and install the huge launching chamber, which weighs more than , and has a diameter stretching 33m across. A detailed engineering study was completed and the subsequent #LiftPLan was developed to enable the execution of a unique concept design which the teams followed to complete the project. As well as requiring a huge lifting potential, the precision with which the installation was completed was of paramount importance. Sarens’ SPMTs can be controlled with millimetric precision and were an essential part of the successful construction of the #SpinLaunch apparatus. Sarens was proud to be part of this historic project and looks forward to supporting SpinLaunch through what promises to be an incredibly exciting journey.
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