Vladimir Putin Address to Victory Parade on Red Square - May 9, 2022 - English Subtitles

Victory Day speech given by Vladimir Putin at Red Square on Victory Day 9 May 2022 In Russian with English subtitles Original video - ***Disclaimer*** All videos in this Playlist are subtitled in English without any additional commentary or opinion. Videos are complete recordings of original source material from the Russian and Ukrainian governments and are offered here as a service to those looking for uncut videos who cannot speak either language and prefer subtitles to read alongside the original language instead of a dubbed interpreter voice-over. Comments are left open for public engagement, though YouTube does flag some that may be deemed either Spam or Inappropriate. It may take a day or two for me to go through every one, and it is up to me to decide whether to approve them. Normally I approve comments in the name of public expression. All opinions in the comment sections belong to the authors. Thank you to all the support and subscriptions to my
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