Corsica-Aleria, 21 August 1975

21 August 1975, a dozen men occupied a “pied-noir“ wineyard in Aleria. Naming themselves the ARC (Action for the Renaissance of Corsica), they claimed to be ready to divulge a financial scandal, grouped under the leadership of Edmond Simeoni. Michel Poniatowski, then Minister of Interior, sent more than a thousand soldiers, along with helicopters, heavy artillery and even tanks. Two soldiers were killed during the ensuing firefight, and Dr Simeoni hands himself over to the police in order to avoid larger casualties. However, many of the militants escaped, and violent struggles occur in nearby Bastia. The ARC is completely dissolved. ------------------ Il 21 agosto 1975 il medico Edmond Simeoni e una decina di nazionalista armati con fucile da caccia occuparono la casa colonica Depeille di un viticoltore di Aleria di origine pied noir, sospettato di esser coinvolto in uno scandalo finanziario. Il leader dell’Azione per la Rinascita della Corsa (ARC) fece conoscere le ragioni del
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