teamCattleya - Niconico Video sm40348494

“I tried to dance to 2022 Teamcattleya will also participate! ! ! This year’s concept is [the same important thing] No matter how many years have passed I love the feeling that we danced It is an important thing that will not change forever! ! ! The song head family sm39478105 Choreographic head family so40251859 2021 [Dancing off] I tried to dance as a god [Teamcattleya] sm38624933 2020 [Dance off] I meets you !! sm36662837 2019 [Instant] I tried to dance 1 femto [Teamcattleya] sm34821395 ◆ Teamcattleya Shachi () Nyako () Momo () Drop 卯花( ) ◇ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ◇ ◆ Teamcattleya Women -only group that loves dance and expression! Active since February 2017 Post/Participation works mylist/58579218 Original choreography mylist/67777867 Twitter Series Teamcatleya posted Previous: [Teamcattleya] Animal [I tried dancing] ▶ Continuous playback from the beginning of the series Hide Video Description Teamcattleya Video Uploads Upload date 04/23/2022 13:00 Views 177“
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