Band: Caladan Brood
Album: Echoes of Battle (CD - 2013)
Genre: Epic Black Metal
Country: USA (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Released: 15 February 2013
- Label : Northern Silence Productions
- Order the album here:
- Websites:
- Tracklist :
1. City of Azure Fire
2. Echoes of Battle
3. Wild Autumn Wind
4. To Walk the Ashes of Dead Empires
5. A Voice Born of Stone and Dust
6. Book of the Fallen
- Lyrics :
There is a deep pathos here
A monumental sorrow
Blood has stained this ground
The very land itself a barrow
The echoes of battle ring cold through the ages
The moon shines on old dunes, awakening ancient hatreds
Swords held high to the desert sky at such great a cost
Standards fly above funera
1 view
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6 months ago 01:28:35 1
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