Matt Le Tissier EXPOSING The FA Secret U-Turn

Matt Le Tissier’s Battle for the Truth About Footballer Deaths Concerns about the number of collapsing professional football players continue, but their governing bodies refuse to launch an investigation into the cause. Matt Le Tissier, who played for Southampton and England, said: ‘During my 17 years on the pitch, I never witnessed professional footballers collapsing during play. ‘On 25 November 2021 I tweeted to FIFPRO (the Fédération International des Associations de Footballeurs Professionnels, worldwide representatives for 65,000 professional footballers): ‘Hey @FIFPRO are you not a little bit concerned about how many of your members are suffering heart problems during matches? If you are what action are you taking on behalf of them? What happened next led to a MAJOR REVELATION in the football world. The World Class Stamp Podcast
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