Olivier Messiaen, a renowned French composer (1908-1992), discovered and compiled the Messiaen Modes, a collection of the only symmetrical series that exists. These modes consist of seven series or scales, including non-chromatic scales such as the Whole-tone Scale (mode 1) and the Diminished Scale (mode 2). The remaining four modes are both chromatic and symmetrical.
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The video lesson discusses modes 1, 2, and 3, as well as tonal and post-tonal theory. Messiaen was particularly fond of these series because they lack a root note, making the music post-tonal, a term coined by Joseph N. Strauss in his book Introduction to Post-tonal Theory.
The seven Messiaen Modes produce an extensive range of chords, arpeggios, sub-modes, and other elements that can be applied to music to refresh one’s style. By studying these modes, one can gain a better understanding of 20th-century orche
6 years ago 00:15:38 10
Olivier Messiaen - The Modes of Limited Transposition