Homer’s Theory of the Mind: Psyche, Thumos, and Nous.

Did the Ancient Greeks have the concept of an immortal soul? The ancient psychê (where we get our words psychological, and psyche) has a long history of interpretation (famously Plato) and many different facets to its meaning. In Homer, it was the life force of an individual; without it a warrior could not survive. Along with the thumos and noos (nous) it made up the constituent parts of consciousness. Here, we discuss the development and terminology surrounding the concept as well as historical attempts at interpretive frames like animism, ancestor cult, and ghosts. Questions? Drop me (Aaron) a comment below or email at contact@ More Greek myth explained: What is Myth?: Was Greece an Egyptian colony?: Did Ancient Greece have Ancient History?: Did the Greeks Believe in their Myths?: Greek Religious Practice: The Truth about Ancient Sacrifice
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