Growing Jalapeno Time Lapse - Seed to Fruit in 126 Days
This one was also affected by the earlier infestation of tiny white bugs that i had in the studio. It held back the growth of the plant tremendously. You can actually see when i managed to defeat them at day 90 (0:56) but then i started slacking and they came back a month later at the end of the video.
But as usual even though the plant didn’t look the best the video turned out quite nice so I’m happy :)
Music from Epidemic Sound:
Virtuosity - Howard Harper-Barnes
Affiliate links:
Epidemic sound 30 day free trial:
Mars Hydro Growlights (Discount code: box) :
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7 months ago 00:17:33 1
Вегетация острого перца Carolina Reaper, Chocolate Habanero, Sugar Rush прямо из семечек