Camilla Macaulay Playlist - [The Secret History]

¨Side by side, they were very much alike, in similarity less of lineament than of manner and bearing, a correspondence of gesture which bounced and echoed between them so that a blink seemed to reverberate, moments later, in a twitch of the other’s eyelid. Their eyes were the same color of gray, intelligent and calm. She, I thought, was very beautiful, in an unsettling, almost medieval way which would not be apparent to the casual observer.“ Hey guys, welcome to another video, today is the playlist of... Camilla Macaulay, whose last name I didn’t know until I had to know it for this video. Hope you guys like it and be on the lookout for more content! Also I just wanted to mention I really appreciate the comments :) Spotify Link : F l o r e n c e T h e M a c h i n e s (0:00) L a n a D e l R e y (4:59) B i l l i e M a r t e n (9:28) A d a m H u r s t (13:24) L o r d H u r a
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