Nicorinpana - after school NAVIGATORS (Color Coded, Kanji, Romaji, Eng)
🥢 after school NAVIGATORS is a song sung by Nico Yazawa, Rin Hoshizora, and Hanayo Koizumi. This is the second song that is included in the theme CD, Love Live! Web Radio 「Love Live! Radio Kagai Katsudo ~Nikorinpana~」 (『ラブライブ!』Webラジオ「ラブライ部 ラジオ課外活動 ~にこりんぱな~」). The song is also included in μ’s Best Album Best Live! Collection.
🥢 The song is written by Aki Hata
🥢 Composed and arranged by Takahiro Kawata
🥢 The DJ track is written by Junpei Yoshihara
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Nicorinpana - after school NAVIGATORS (Color Coded, Kanji, Romaji, Eng)
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