中國最美私家花園 The Most Beautiful Private Garden in China

1950年出生的張太沛從小在花園裡長大,一直渴望擁有一塊屬於自己的花園。經過多年尋找,終於在2002年的時候,他在安徽馬鞍山的東郊找到一塊5000㎡的地,簽下50年租約,將它慢慢打造成自己夢寐以求的花園。因為園裡有三顆巨大的紅果冬青樹,取名“三棵樹莊園”。 Born in 1950, Zhang Taipei grew up playing in his family’s garden and had been hoping to own a garden since childhood. After years of searching, he eventually found a 5,000-m2 land in the east suburb of Ma On Shan, Anhui in 2002. He signed a 50-year lease and slowly turned it into his dream garden. He names the garden “San Ke Shu Garden” (Three Trees Garden) because of the three
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