Biggest and Best Rome: Total War Mod Campaign Map Ever? RTR: Imperium Surrectum Overview

Rome Total Realism: Imperium Surrectum is a hugely ambitious mod for Total War: Rome Remastered. Its campaign map is the most detailed we have ever seen, dwarfing older mod maps like Mundus Magnus. This overview / mini review looks at its gameplay changes and features, providing tips on how best to enjoy the mod. ⭐ Buy Total War: Rome Remastered (Steam Key)*: *Note: As a Humble partner, purchases through this link support the channel via commission at no added cost to you. ⭐ RTR: Imperium Surrectum Download (Steam Workshop): ⭐ RTR: Imperium Surrectum Discord: Please note I can’t help you with troubleshooting and install problems, sorry! Try the Discord and check the FAQs. ⭐ More Total War guide & tips videos:
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