P51-D Mustang - Tamiya 1/48 - Full Build

Ive built Tamiya kit 61040, the North American P51-D Mustang 8th AF. This was a great kit and was relatively simple. The parts fit great and it was a straightforward build that I could recommend for beginners. I didnt add any extra photo etch or scratch built parts to this build. At some point in the future, I will likely build another one of these with some aftermarket such a great plane I need a few on my shelf. For those wondering, my exterior paint scheme was gloss black - Alclad II - Future - Decals - Future - Weathering (enamel panel liner and oils) - Future. The blue nose is acrylic and coated with Mr Hobby flat clear. Although Alclad technically does not need a clear coat, I like to add it for extra protection against unintentional scratches.
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