Lost Ark Aeromancer Trailer

This is a short trailer of a new class in Lostark game called “Aeromancer“. It was my second experience as project Team-Lead. Task: Show how this new class looks like and demonstrate some of its skills. Time spent: One month and a half. What I’ve done exactly? - Idea, part of scenario, music search, cameras, montage, environment design, shading and lighting (Redshift), render and final compositing and some of effects. Some of animations were created by me too. My other 3 teammates created next things: Ivan Seelnon (worked on scenario, drew frames for preproduction) Alexander Kovalevski (cloth physics, wind skill effects, slowmo rain and hail fx and rdb stone and glass) Anna Kovaleva (lizard animations. some girl animations). Biggest part of animations were taken from client and Mixamo. Models were taken from client too and from public sources. Sound Effeсts were designed by me too, but it’s not so good as well =)
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