POC Snell Sports Chamonix Tof Henry Born in Chamonix ski de montagne pente raide alpinisme
Avril 2019, glisse, ski de pente raide, montagne, alpinisme... Soirée POC... Snell Sports Chamonix Mont-Blanc avec Tof Henry... Quelques mots de Tof Henry sur son film Born in Chamonix...
POC: casques de ski, masques de ski, lunettes, protections dorsales...
#snellsports #poc #borninchamonix #tofhenry #chamonix #montblanc #ski #skiderandonnee #penteraide #montagne #alpinisme
POC is a Swedish company with a strong mission to do the best we can to possibly save lives and to reduce the consequences of accidents for gravity sports athletes and cyclists.
POC was founded in 2005 and made its first entry, addressing the ski racing market, at the ISPO trade show where it also introduced its mission. POC’s new ideas and solutions to improve ski racing safety, by reducing the force transmitted to the brain and body in case of a crash, gained a lot of attention.
The concepts, technologies, and materials used and impleme
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POC Snell Sports Chamonix Tof Henry Born in Chamonix ski de montagne pente raide alpinisme