Orthodontic Arch Wires: Part I- Gold, Stainless Steel, Cobalt Chromium (Elgiloy)

Orthodontic wires are defined as devices comprising a wire conforming to the alveolar or dental arch, which is used as an anchorage for correcting irregularities in the position of teeth. Nobles metals such as gold, platinum, iridium, silver and their alloys were used early on in the field of Orthodontics because of their good corrosion resistance. Stainless steel is the most popular wire alloy used in orthodontics because of an outstanding combination of mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and cost. Cobalt chromium alloys are commercially available as Elgiloy or watch spring alloy. The soft temper wires {Elgiloy Blue} are popular for use in orthodontics because the wires can easily be manipulated into desired shapes.
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