The Way To Beauty (1959)

Title reads: “The Way to Beauty“. Beauty Farm, Knebworth, Hertfordshire. G/V girls exercising on lawn in front of Pelham Lodge, Knebworth. Top shot girls exercises over sign on lawn: “Pelham Beauty“. Interior. M/S beautician Mrs. Costigan greeting a lady patient and inviting her to step onto scales to be weighed before commencing beauty treatment. C/U scales showing ten stone six pounds. Various shots another lady patient lying on bed having paraffin wax applied to her body by hand. M/S lady patient in seaweed bath, poodle dog sits on stool watching. C/U patient having her leg rubbed. C/U poodle watching. C/U patient in seaweed bath. M/S lady patient in steam cabinet, another is lying on table connected to electrical apparatus which reduce swollen ankles and removes wrinkles from the face. C/U patient in steam cabinet having her brow wiped. C/U from electrical apparatus to patient lying on table with special mask on her face and neck for removing wrinkles. C/U patient wearing mask. C/U pa
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