Army manoeuvres. Nottinghamshire.
CU Of soldier. GV Of display ground. SV General Activity around tent. SCU Of soldier pushing children round tank’s gun turret. SCU Soldier showing children gun. CU Soldier and children. SCU Children looking at machine gun. SV Boy comes down the death slide. MS as girl comes down death slide. SV Through safety ropes, ditto. SCU Crowd of children watching. SV Helicopter landing with troops for combat display by “E“ Bat., 1 ., and 1st Bat., Grenadier Guards. SV Troops lying on ground. AS Helicopter preparing to land. GV As it lands. SV Ditto as troops get out. SV As they roll onto the ground. AS Helicopter. Pan down to show it lowering a field gun. CU Soldier watching AS Pan down as parachutist lands. Pan across to another one landing. SCU Soldier beckoning on parachutists.
LS showing parachutists landing. SV As another parachutist lands. CU As he takes parachute off. SV Crowd watching. SV Royal Signals motor cyclists driving onto field. SV Towards cameral ditto. CU C
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