Country’s In Town (1962)

Full title reads: “Olympia. Country’s In Town“. Olympia, London. Royal Dairy Show. GV Cattle in stalls at Olympia. CU A bull being brushed. CU Man polishing bull’s horn. SV Four Dairy Queens drinking milk. CU Large slab of butter being cut in butter packing machine. CU Roll of paper unwinding as it is used to wrap the butter. CU Butter being wrapped. SV The wrapped half pounds of butter coming off machine. GV People looking around show. SV A sow suckling her piglets. SV Pan, sides of bacon hanging up. CU Polish chickens. CU One of the birds. CU A cochin with feathers all down its legs and on feet. CU The legs and feet. CU Egg stamping machine (2 shots.) CU Farmer and TV Personality Ted Moult wearing chef’s hat, camera pans down to show him frying eggs and bacon which he starts to remove from pan with a slice. GV elevated of cattle being judged. SV A judge takes hold of a bull’s tail and the bull tries to move away. SV Cattle. CU Lady De La Warr presenting rosette. (Pathe Neg.) F
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