Unison ’67 (1967)

No title - Unison ’67 - the Commonwealth Inter-Service study. Latest military techniques. Salisbury Plain. Wiltshire. Various shots Argosy transporter coming in to land on airfield. L/S foreign visitors watching the demonstration. C/U American and German officers. Various shots troops running out from back end of plane. M/S helicopters flying past the foreign officers. Back view as helicopters touch down. C/U foreign officers watching. Various shots troops running out from the helicopters and towards camera. L/S armoured vehicles driving out from plane. M/S Wessex helicopter about to lift a Land Rover. C/U foreign officer watching. L/S helicopter flying off with Land Rover. Various shots as Canberra plane fires rockets and they explode on ground. L/S officers watching. C/U two French officers watching. Various shots fire power demonstration with Howitzers. M/S tank being hit. L/S and M/S troops in trench firing automatics. L/S explosions on ground. C/U officer looking through binoculars. M/S explos
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