’hello’ Via The Moon! (1960)

Item title reads - ’Hello’ via the moon! Voices translated into radio signals are bounced from New Jersey onto the moon and received by a transmitter in California. America (USA). M/S experiment station at Holmdel, New Jersey, various shots of the big transmitter dish. M/S antennae. Animated shot of the earth and moon, showing radio beams going out and hitting the moon then bouncing back. L/S transmitter at the other end of the line which is at Goldstone in the Californian desert, camera pans to show moon visible in the daylight sky. C/U moon. C/U technician adjusting equipment. C/U another technician. C/U piece of equipment. C/U man at Holmdel speaking into telephone (natural sound starts). He asks how long the transmitter takes to broadcast his voice and receives the reply. L/S dish at Goldstone, pan to show the moon. C/U moon. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES.
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