Ramblers Aid Moorland Search (1965)

Title reads: “RAMBLERS AID MOORLAND SEARCH“. Search for moors murderers’ victims bodies, Saddleworth Moor, Pennines. L/S moors in the Pennines. M/S road sign: “Snake Hill Three Miles Long“. M/S searchers moving slowly across the moors, digging holes into the peat. C/U sticks being drawn out of the peat. M/S police van which is being used as mobile headquarters. Panning C/U policeman getting into the van. C/U Alsatian dog in the van. M/S site marked with a stick where body of Anne Downey was found. L/S surrounding moor, pan to the grave. L/S another spot marked with a stick where body of John Kilbridge was found. L/S searchers moving slowly across the moors. M/S man holding Wellington Boot and a policeman holding child’s shoe - clues in the murder investigation. C/U shoe. Pan to show policeman signalling. M/S police and others walking across the moor to the spot where the shoe was found. M/S men digging. L/S search continuing. The moors murderers are Ian Brady and Myra Hindley. For
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