Basutos Get New Chief (1960)

Item title reads - Basutos get new chief. New Paramount Chief comes to power in Basutoland, (now Lesotho), South Africa. Camera pans across guests at the Paramount Chief’s cocktail party. C/U one of the foremost chiefs of the Basutolands. M/S of the High Commissioner Sir John Maud presenting the Paramount Chief, Zhosana Constantine Bereng Seeiso, with a cheque for £10,000 for the relief of relatives of the Basutos who lost their lives in the coalbrook mine disaster. C/U of Sir John shaking hands with the Paramount Chief. M/S Chief’s mother holding white parasol, together with Chief’s aunt and another lady. M/S Sir John proposing a toast and then drinking it. C/U of the Chief drinking. Camera pans across Basutos gathered at the pitso at Maseru. Various shots of crowds in front of dais. The police are doing their best to hold the crowd back. M/S of the Chief’s mother on right with two other women. Various shots of the Chief. M/S Sir John getting out of his car. M/S of the dais, various shots o
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