Shenzhen Dam Discharge Devastates Hong Kong: HALF City Paralyzed in 16 Mins!Worst Flood in 140 Years
Hong Kong and the Pearl Delta Region of Mainland China Witness Unprecedented Deluge Due to Typhoon “Haikui“ Remnants
Following the convergence of Typhoon “Haikui“ and monsoonal forces, the Pearl Delta region and Hong Kong experienced unprecedented rainstorms from the evening of September 7th. Shenzhen broke seven meteorological records, surpassing a 71-year benchmark, while Hong Kong issued a “black rainstorm warning“ due to the heaviest rainfall since 1884, an event now termed the “Century Black Rain“.
The adverse weather conditions escalated to a crisis in Shenzhen, forcing authorities to release floodwaters from reservoirs in the middle of the night. Shockingly, the New Territories in Hong Kong transformed into a flood discharge area for Shenzhen, exacerbating the already dire situation in Hong Kong, which was grappling with the effects of the “Century Black Rain“. Adding to the outrage, the Hong Kong government only notified its citizens 16 minutes b
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4 months ago 00:06:55 1
Город ушел под воду в Америке. Шторм сносит острова в океане. Смог Индия. Взрыв пожар США ЧП Новости
8 months ago 00:58:55 1
Китай жжет. Мега город длиной 500 км. Самый большой город Мира Чунцин. Где деньги?
11 months ago 00:46:13 2
Крот и монета! Крота вам в помощь! В конце Тест F-19 F-39 MD-6450 DEUS
1 year ago 00:11:31 17
Оттепель! Сезон продолжается! Копаем прибором который может!
1 year ago 00:14:59 10
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