中国人的莫斯科保姆级旅游攻略日记(2)---Diary of a Chinese nanny’s travel guide to Moscow (2)

俄罗斯深度游后,总有人问我莫斯科到底该怎么玩,接下来这个保姆攻略将将从食、住、行、花费与您分享。由于篇幅较长拆解为“5日记”与您分享。第二天日记与您分享。克林姆林宫、红场教堂群、国家百货商店、莫斯科河夜游——After an in-depth tour of Russia, people always ask me how to travel in Moscow. This nanny guide will share with you food, accommodation, transportation, and expenses. Due to the length of the article, it is divided into “
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