Deer. Serpent. Wolf. Eagle. The kindred-animals of the Æsir can still be ridden by skilled truth-seekers in command of the spiritual. Especially during Yuletide, when the veil decorating the entrance to the otherworld is at its thinnest.
Ǫndskuggi (“Shadow Soul”) is the fourth track from Draugablíkk’s dark, shamanic neofolk album Verjaseiðr. To support the egregore of Draugablíkk, feel free to purchase the album on Bandcamp (links below.)
Speaking of the otherworldly, Verjaseiðr — the name of our new album — can be interpreted as “spiritual protection-habits” or “defense-magic”, both of which are heathen, spiritual concepts that relate to our album title. One such track in particular is Ǫndskuggi which means “soul shadow” or “shadow-self” — a well-known psychological concept that deals with the dark side of anyone’s unknown, deeper personality... Read More ►
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3 years ago 00:05:02 25
Draugablíkk — Wolfclan Rising: Berserkastrið
3 years ago 00:03:42 11
Draugablíkk — ‘Hreinnhǫfði - Solstice Sólablót’ ft. Alvtýra (Galdramadr Unplugged) | Music Video