Chad Indo Europeans Charriot Riders Expanding the $h1t out of the world

#YamnayaHorizon #DomesticationOfHorse #ProtoIndoEuropean #Urheimheit #EuropeanHeritage This rare historic document is all about the first Yamnaya (mostly know as “Indo European”) Horizon Expansion. It all started around 4000 BC when our great uncle *Mannus found out that horses made excellent winter livestock because of their hard hooves that could pierce through the frosty ice of the Eurasian Steppe. Later our silly grandpa *Yemos discovered by chance that while being on the horse back you could manage larger herds of sheep. They together decided to extensively exploit these advantages by inventing a chariot that allowed them to move with all the family in order to find better feeding ground for their ever increasing herds. This ingenuity and entrepreneurship (together with a passion for discovery of the unknown) pushed them to colonized pretty much all of the world and achieved *klewos aktitom (Glory imperishable) !!!
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