[Eng] 诀爱 (Parting with Love) - 詹雯婷 Faye | Love Between Fairy and Devil OST 苍兰决 片尾曲

So I think this song is a reference to how both the ML and FL are trying to sacrifice themselves for each other at different points in the drama: There’s so much happening all around and they suddenly realise how important the other person is to them. Therefore, they decide to part with their love to sacrifice themselves for the other person. 等天崩地裂的那一瞬间 The instant the sky crumbles and earth splits open [天崩地裂: literally the sky falls and earth cracks, meaning upheaval/ chaos] 待坍塌破碎了睁开双眼 I open my eyes once everything has collapsed 无处安放灵魂 With nowhere to rest my soul 只能降落 I can only start falling 若灵魂相结在天地之间 If only our souls could unite between heaven and e
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