Hello, my name is Grisha. I am 8. I live in a big and beautiful city Yekaterinburg. I live in Khimmash. There are many green trees. It’s quiet and nice here.
I live in a tall block of flats. (I live in a tall house). There is a beautiful park next to my house. There are many pine trees in the park.
There are some playgrounds in the park. In summer my friends and I can play football, basketball and badminton.
I like riding a bike in the park in summer. I like skating and skiing in winter.
I like feeding squirrels with nuts.
There is the river Iset next to my house.
There is my favourite boat rental station on its bank.
My mum, my friends and I like sailing boats and pedal boats.
There are some funny and beautiful ducks. I like feeding ducks with bread.
I like watching fish, frogs and hedgehogs. They are cute.
There is a bus and trolley bus stop next to my house. I like riding trolley buses. They are big and very-very old.
Khimmash is the best place for me!
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