1985 SIEL DK 80 Dynamic Bitimbric Synthesizer Stereo 40 ROM Presets

Features: - Dynamic: velocity sensitive keys. - Bitimbric: Two voices (A & B) can be split and/or layered at any key point. This means you can have A and B voices overlap on some keys or not overlap. - Advanced envelope: attack, decay, break point, slope, sustain, release. - Stereo: voice A in in right channel and voice B is in left or you can use just the A output for summed mono. - Without the RAM cartridge, the Siel DK 80 has 40 preset (ROM) patches (00-39) and 10 user patches (40-49). 50-99 are duplicates of 00-49 and can’t be overwritten. Can be expanded with RAM or ROM cartridges. - Stereo chorus can be assigned to either, both or neither voice. - Two sequences can be recorded and played separately or at the same time. Has built-in click if you turn it on when recording. Sequences are looped until Start/Stop button is pressed again. - MIDI In/Out/Thru. - Pitch bend wheel. - The speed and final depth of VCF and DCO LFOs can be triggered automatically (with or withou
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