[4K]魚缸中用生物來除藻的正確打開方式 III The correct way to use biological organisms to remove algae in fish tanks

我們養魚,最應該註重的是魚缸的生態平衡。在魚缸這個小環境中,有好幾個大的循環體系。比如,碳氧循環、氨氮循環,微量元素循環只有這些循環達到合理的流轉,才能讓我們的魚缸做到水清、魚靚、草翠。 過年放假,正好來整理養魚那些事兒。 When we raise fish, the most important thing we should pay attention to is the ecological balance of the fish tank. In the small environment of a fish tank, there are several large circulation systems. For example, the carbon-oxygen cycle, the ammonia-nitrogen cycle, and the trace element cycle. Only when these cycles achieve a reasonable flow can our fish tank have clear water, beautiful fish, and green grass. It’s the New Year’s holiday, and it’s time to sort out the fish farming stuff. zen for aquarium
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