Arduino-Powered MIDI Arpeggiator

Its not finished yet... but this yellow box is a MIDI arpeggiator. Its powered by an Atmega328 with Arduino bootloader and it also contains a PIC16F688 to receive MIDI synch on a second MIDI in port. I wanted a standalone arp to go with some synth modules I’ve been building, and I was inspired by Reason’s RPG8 - although it does not look much like it.(does that make it a hardware emulation of a software emulation of hardware...?) The minimal control surface (just LEDs and switches) actually works pretty well. Still need to implement a few more features like note insert, proper gate length control and to debug the weird things it does every now and then. When its all finished I’ll post some more clips and I intend to stick the source and schematics online too. Update: code project is at
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