Part 2 I have went thru the functions of the Radio such as covered freq’s and how to get to the different functions this Radio is nice!
The Stryker SR-89MC Compact CB I Bought due even in a full sized truck there is very little room to mount a Galaxy or Connex so this is what I chose. As you can see in the pictures it takes up very little room and easy to use. It arrives in a 10 meter you will have to modify it to 11 meter and drop your watts to 4 which can be done on the mic to stay with in FCC laws. mods were done by me --and It will Do the Free band CB. As I said I live several miles from a major HWY so far about the best range has been about 15 or 16 may even 17 miles on the 4 watts with a Wilson 1000. But going on Interstates with all the traffic it is perfect. Also for Preppers this one is nice due to all the Freq’s. So I say Thumbs UP all the way, I will make a second video on the functions when it as not as cold so hope you enjoy the video don’t forget to like and Subscribe and Visit CB Radios Pron