Our Wonderful Submarines (1922)

Portsmouth, Hampshire. Full titles read: “OUR WONDERFUL SUBMARINES - Vivid pictures - of one of our ’Fighting Arms’ - which true to Navy traditions is silent - and amazingly efficient“ L/S of submarine (the L.6) ploughing over the surface of the sea just off the coast of Portsmouth. M/S of the submarine beginning to submerge. Intertitle reads: “Come down below - in imagination - with our cameraman and see first pictures ever taken in a submarine whilst submerged !“ M/S of crewman turning large metal wheel while another looks through the periscope. M/S of man reading large dials. Intertitle reads: “Back to surface.“ L/S’s of the submarine returning to the surface. L/S of the sub speeding past camera with crewmen on the deck. Very good C/U of crewman looking at dial on depth gauge rising. Various shots of man looking through periscope and turning large wheel. L/S’s of crewmen on deck of sub. L/S’s of sub submerging and resurfacing. Several shots of the crew on the deck of the sub FILM ID:
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