Turpin K.O’s D’haes (1953)

Birmingham, West Midlands. Boxing for British and Empire Middleweight titles. LV. Start of fight (1st 7ft super title). SV. Randolph Turpin forces fight, a left hook sends Belgian Boxer Victor D’Haes against ropes, D’Haes is not affected, they fight on. LV. Turpin throws a left, follows up with a right, they both crash off balance onto ropes, they walk around sizing up until Turpin lands another right to the jaw. SV. Crowd. LV. D’Haes forcing fight. SV. D’Haes throws some ponderous rights with Turpin avoids easily. LV. D’Haes throws lefts and rights which Turpin again easily avoids. SV. Crowd. SV. Turpin forces D’Haes into corner with two handed attack. SV. Turpin punching away at D’Haes covered up body. They break away. Turpin stalks D’Haes and lands a hard right to D’Haes kidneys and follows up with other punches. D’Haes sinks onto knees. SV. Pressman in crowd. SV. D’Haes gets up and resumes. Turpin sails in again with right and lefts to head. He downs him with a right hook onto D’Haes back, D’Haes sinks
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