King Feisal Opens Giant New Pipe Line - Longer Version (1952)

Kirkuk, Iraq. GV. Refinery at Kirkuk. A/S Refinery. SV. Pipe line being laid from Kirkuk to Banias. SV people in Arab dress look on. Pipes being lowered into position. Mechanical welder joining pipes. Pipe lowered by crane. LV. Comet jet aeroplane arriving at Kirkuk airstrip. Officials waiting. SV. Mr. H. S. Gibson (Managing Director of the Iraq Petroleum Company) alighting from Comet plane. SV. More passengers deplaning. more passengers alighting. LV. Even more passengers alighting. SV. Gibson standing by plane (nearest). . Baggage being unloaded from Comet. Information packs handed out. Yet more people get off the plane. Former Prime Minister Nuri Pasha el-Said is amongst the guests. SV King Feisal with Regent Prince Abdul Illah alighting from plane. The King inspects a guard of honour. Crowds look on before ceremony. King Feisal arrives for ceremony. SCU King Feisal and Admiral of the Fleet Sir John Cunningham (Chairman of the Iraq Petroleum Company). King Feisal meets people. The King and
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