#Summary Overview for the Morn of 14 Jul 2024 07:56 (GMT+3)

️ #Summary Overview for the Morn of 14 Jul 2024; 07:56 (GMT 3) ?The intense reaction to foreign political events ended with an assassination attempt on Trump. #US law enforcement officials stated that no foreign country was involved. Trump is now confidently outflanking Biden, and conspiracy theorists are ramping up the pace of publications. In our opinion, to hit a bullet from a distance of 130 m exactly in the top of the ear, kill and wound civilians, and then go to the other side of the world yourself is top flight. Choosing between conspiracy and mess, we are always on the side of mess, to which the #US is confidently rolling. ? The results of the #NATO summit showed the #West’s intentions to continue the conflict, despite endless words about negotiations. #Russia was called an enemy, #China an accomplice, and tens of dollar billions were allocated. Except that promises to deliver “several hundred antiaircraft guided missiles“ to Kiev next year and the deployment of factories ... Source: Two Majors - English Channel
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