016Spring Rain春雨 Easy Chinese Reading简单中文阅读 Practice speaking Chinese 练习说中文 Learn Chinese学中文 学汉语

Hé xué-zhōng-wén / hàn-yǔ 和Linda学 中文 / 汉语 Learn Chinese with Linda jiǎn-dān-zhōng-wén-yuè-dú 简单中文阅读 Easy Chinese Reading 016 chūn-yǔ 春雨 Spring Rain 春天的雨 / 春季的雨 chūn-tiān-dào-le,tiān-qì-biàn-de-yuè-lái-yuè-nuǎn-huo / wēn-nuǎn 春天到了,天气变得越来越暖和/温暖。 Spring comes. lt’s getting warmer and warmer. shù-mù、tián-yě / nóng-tián,shèn-zhì-kōng-qì,yī-qiè-dōu-hěn-gān-zào 树木、田野/农田,甚至空气,一切都很干燥, Everything is dry, trees, fields and even the air. jiù-zài-zhè-shí, xià-yǔ-le, tā-xiàng-sī-chóu-yí-yàng-róu-ruǎn 就在这时,下雨了,它像丝绸一样柔软。 Just then, it rains. lt’s as soft as silk. tā-xǐ-diào-le-dì-shàng-de-chén-tǔ,jiāo-guàn-le-zhí-wù-hé-nóng-tián / tián-yě 它洗掉了地上的尘土,浇灌了植物和农田 / 田野。 It washes the dirty of the earth and waters the plants and the fields. tā-yě-jiāo-guàn-le-rén-men-de-xīn 它也浇灌了人们的心。 lt also waters people’s hears. nóng-mín-men-zhàn-zài-chūn-yǔ-lǐ-wēi-xiào 农民们站在春雨里微笑, Farmers stand in the spring rain and smile. chūn-yǔ-jiù-xiàng-yóu-yí-yàng-zhēn-guì / chūn-yǔ-guì-rú-yóu 春雨就像油一样珍贵。/ 春雨贵如油 Spring rain is as dear as oil. tā-men-fǎng-fó-kàn-dào-le-qiū-tiān-fēng-shōu-de-shí-jié / shōu-huò-de-shí-jié 他们仿佛看到了秋天丰收的时节 / 收获的时节。 They seem to see the harvest time in autumn. chūn-yǔ-gěi-kōng-qì-dài-lái-le-shuǐ-fèn,yě-gěi-rén-men-dài-lái-le-xī-wàng 春雨给空气带来了水分,也给人们带来了希望。  Spring rain brings water to the air,It also brings hope to people.
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