’Spy’ Beluga Plays with Seagull

Subscribe to Caters Clips: Subscribe to StoryTrender: ID: 3309662 MANDATORY ONSCREEN CREDIT - Jan-Olaf Johansen The beluga whale believed to be a Russian spy has found a new confidante by playing with a seagull swimming along the water’s surface. Jan-Olaf Johansen was working on a ship in Hammerfest harbour, Norway, on September 2 when he spotted the white whale under the water near him. Watching closely, the 49-year-old chief officer watched on amazed as the whale - named Hvaldimir following its surreal rise to fame earlier in 2019 when it was believed to have been being used as a spy by the Russian navy in Norwegian waters - glided gracefully up to the surface, seemingly stalking a bird swimming on the surface. Jan-Olaf continued to film as the beluga nudged the bird to get its attention before chasing after its new friend playfully for a good few minutes. **Please contact licensing@ca
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