Enchanted Magical Forest Ambience: Crickets, Frogs, Trickling Stream, Sleepy Night Forest Sounds

Welcome to this enchanted magical forest ambience with the soothing sounds of crickets, frogs, a trickling stream and other night forest sounds! Kindly pay your respects to the luminescent forest snail as you pass through, for he rules this enchanted land and watches day and night to ensure his forest is kept quiet, impeccably clean and peaceful. Don’t forget to dip your toes (or dunk your whole body!) in the healing glowy stream before you go. An enchanted forest ambience is something I’ve seen requested a ton over the years, and I’m surprised it’s taken me this long to create it! I had a lot of fun designing this scene and hope to do more like it soon. I hope you enjoy! As always, I’ll be back soon with a brand new cozy ambience to help you with sleep, meditation, writing, or whatever it is you need it for! 🍁 Autumn Cozy supports the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, which puts 100% of its donations toward awarding scientific research g
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